Don’t ask us how………We know that saving is among your top New Years Resólution..Yes it is…Got you!
Well, it is the first week of 2023 and it marks the most crucial period of the year for us to list our resolutions. Every year holds so much meaning to almost everyone and that is why we come up with the best resolutions as always looking forwad to a seamless year.
It is never too early to encourage long-term savings. Ron Lewis
Other than the overwhelming Njanuarrry pressure, it is never too early to start a savings plan for 2023.Grab your notebook because we are just about to give you free notes on how you will have your own Ksh 78,000 by end of this year.Yes! You heard it right.
If you are diligent about saving Ksh 1000 in January, Ksh.2000 in February, Ksh.3000 come March and proceed till Ksh.12000 come December, then you will not develop an headache on how to break a bank for Ksh.78,000 by the end of the year..Seriously! Yes?No? Okay.
Anyhow, this blog was just to give you a great idea to keep in your mind as you list your resolutions.Flexpay 52 Weeks Challenge helps you to set an yearly target where the goal is to save Ksh.78,000 by end of the year.You as the customer get to choose whether to get back the total saved amount or purchase any item with Flexpay patner merchant.
Maybe you have taken enough notes so far, consider taking this last one on how to actually join this 52 Weeks Challenge by using the USSD Code. 1.Dial 38430# 2.Select option 3 (Flex Chama) 3.Select the option 52 Weeks Challenge 4.Proceed as prompted. So Yes,,,Be the Smart Saver and see you in December as you smile heading to withdraw your whopping Ksh.78,000!