Flexpay Lipia PolePole
Save Now, Buy Later
- Save at your own pace
- Purchase from reputable brands and stores
- Achieve your dream purchase
- No extra cost

Every goal is achievable,
It will just get easier now!
Save towards what matters be it rent, emergency savings, school fees, shopping, furniture, occasions or electronics.
- Create a goal and activate with as low as KES 500
- Lipia Polepole over the set period
- Reach your target
- Withdraw to MPESA or shop from partner merchants
Customer Testimonial

I received my Moko mattress today paid by lipia pole pole na Flexpay haki I love this working on the TV set now want to buy a smart Tv.

Flexpay Chama
Flexpay chamas are virtually organized chamas/groups of savers that run for 6 months, Jan-June & July - Dec. During the disbursement, each saver receives the total amount saved within the phase duration.

Our Merchants
Conveniently save up for purchases from reputable brands/ Merchants at absolutely zero interest.
Activate your dreams by setting a merchant goal
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Everything you need to know about Flexpay Lipia polepole in one place
Lipia polepole is available in all Flexpay partner merchants store. The customer selects the product they wish to buy, gets registered or self registers themselves, pays within a duration of 90 days at their own pace. After which they receive a congratulations message upon full payment that they use to check out from the partner merchant.
There are no extra charges. There is absolutely 0% interest.
Everyone qualifies to use Flexpay - No documents are needed
You can join Flexpay through any of the channels below,
1. USSD *384*30#
2. Flexpay APP
3. Flexpay Website www.flexpay.co.ke
4. Flexpay Marketplace www.marketplace.flexpay.co.ke/
5. Flexpay Partner Merchant - Outlet or website
You can use 1. The till number 700164 2. Via USSD *384*30# 3. Via Flexpay App
Flexpay Till Number is 700164

Highly recommend flexpay . Finished paying for moko mattress on sunday via flexpay and by wednesday it was delivered to my spouse in Webuye. My first item was a gas cooker from tuskys last year. Flexpay makes it possible to acquire household goods.